English Muffin Sandwich Bread-The Bread Series

Great for toast or sandwiches, English Muffin Bread is Yum

Grocery store bakeries is where I first found English Muffin bread.  It was good.  Tasted a bit like English Muffins, which was good, but I really liked the corn meal on the outside.  That sold it as English muffins.

Why buy when you can make?

As good as that store bread was, I knew I could at least make my own, and maybe make it better.  I start with the attitude that home made is already at least equal, so it’s not a hard climb to better.

At first if you don’t succeed…

The first batch was a test batch.  Testing for flavor, of course, but also finished volume.  It didn’t measure up in size.

That’s okay.  Simple adjustments to the weights-another reason to scale ingredients, quick conversions-and an increase of 30% yielded a tall loaf very suitable for sandwiches.

It was, in fact, higher than that store bread.  The new loaf was also lighter, good crust and a flavorful crumb.  Happy I am.

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