Fools Errand by Scott Horton

Fools Errand by Scott Horton

It’s Beyond Time To End This War

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What does he know?

Rarely does a person so well understand his topic and make that knowledge easy to grasp.  Scott might just know everything there is to know about everybody involved.  Sounds amazing, and it is, but you think the amazing it can’t be.  It is be.

Scott has written a deeply researched book about just how badly this whole affair has gone and been and sheds a very needed light on parts of the government action we would prefer to think doesn’t happen.

Scott was recently on the Dave Smith podcast and explained further just how we have been misinformed.

Scott’s writing is an easy read, which is good, for he makes a chaotic topic easy to understand.  With that understanding comes a rage at how such horrors were conceived, started and allowed to continue.  It’s almost as if the government has a mind of its own, that it does not listen to the people.  As Mark Twain might say, but I repeat myself.

Fools Errand takes you down a rabbit hole from which there is no escape.  It’s kinda like the photos of the ugly dogs: you can’t un-see those and you can’t un-know what you learn from Scott’s book.

It’s not what you think

Despite the page count, the text is about half that.


Foot notes.  No kidding.  Hundreds of foot notes supporting every point.

Fools Errand does such a good job at expressing the idiocy of the brass who chose war, who chose killing Americans and Afghanis and anyone else who gets in the way, who chose fighting battles that are not ours to fight.

Not one thing in Afghanistan was our concern.  But, Americans went and killed and died for no good reason.

Fools Errand exposes the foolishness that is Army Brass but also the foolishness of thinking violence grows peace.

In addition to writing the book, Scott appears on the Tom Woods show here, and here,  here, and here.  Scott talks quickly so you’ll have to keep distractions at bay.

What’s old and what’s new?

Scott does have a previous book available, Lords of Secrecy, and is working on another.

Author: Dann Reid

Hello. I'm a dad and husband and baker and chef and student of history, of economics and liberty.

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