Learn the basics of smoking beef, pork, or chicken and learn to roll a fatty as well. Episode 58

What is the best fuel for smoking meat or poultry?

Well, the world may never know.  More likely, however, opinion will remain fierce and divided and that’s a good thing.  From beginner to expert, the battle keeps the stick burners and charcoal smokers pushing for better techniques and flavor.

David does offer his view on the matter.  He also has some really good basic tips for beginners.  The OFG has some good sound principles for your smoking education.

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Smokers on Amazon

Smokers and accessories

Smoke Tube

Affiliates mentioned

Clearance Sale

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Guest’s book

Old Fat Guy’s Guide to Smoking Meat for Beginners


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Drop me a note dann@culinarylibertarian.com

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Mark Voelker talks about Goldbacks, money and debt and how to navigate the impending crisis Episode 57

Because gold is honest money it is disliked by dishonest men.     

Ron Paul

Mark Voelker joins me today to discuss money, gold, and banking as we take a layman’s approach to weathering finances in general in the fiat currency system but also some ideas about getting through the recession that bound to come.  Just why is the Fed not our friend?

Of course timing is critical, but so is being prepared.  No one knows when it will happen, but all agree better to be ready than reacting in crisis.

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Guest Facebook page

Mark Voelker

Episode mentioned

Jeffrey Herbener

Links mentioned

Michael Maloney Hidden Secrets of Money

Books mentioned

Creature From Jekyll Island



Banner for Matt Bankert musician's website mattbankert.com

Drop me a note dann@culinarylibertarian.com

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