What’s in a name? Good content, says I. Episode 209

The podcast might have finally shown its true name.

If you subscribe to that notion that things know who they are and only time reveals that information, then now is the time for the podcast to tell me its true name.

This explains why the name changed.  Subtle stuff, but relevant here.  Also, the culinary libertarian links and blog and website are staying.  There’s a lot here and it’s more work than I want to consider changing it all.

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Mike Gaddy on how revisionist history steals the truth Episode 208

Everything you were taught in history class was a lie.

History textbooks and the historians who write history are mostly wrong.  It’s a bold claim my guest Mike Gaddy is willing to make since he’s been researching primary documents for nearly 40 years.

Mike shares some of what he’s learned and offers why he thinks that the history has been revised.

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Article mentioned

“Isaiah’s Job” by Albert Jay Nock




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