The Robots Are Coming…Nope: They’re Here!


Job security on the ropes from robots? Eat more chocolate…made by robots.

More than one podcast has opined that the robots are, in fact, coming and are here for some jobs.  In a recent episode of The Tom Woods Show, his guest discussed robots and how, in spite of the apparent obviousness of the outcome, robots are a good thing.

[amazon_link asins=’B000IXUK2W,B00ICHOIGK,B075LSV11Y’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’us-1′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’81c0f185-75c6-11e8-a41e-3595206aa8b6′]

Well, not to be outdone, Nestlé,the makers of KitKat have created a robot to help with the distribution of that candy in the UK so it can hit the shelves faster.  Hard to complain about more candy, right.  Break me off a piece….

Of course, a fellow like me is going to want to find a way to make his own.  But, that aside, innovation continues to arrive in the industries which supply us our creature comforts as well as necessities.

I wonder how the Marxists will find a way to complain the robots are not tended to properly and creating excess profit of which they are excluded.  I won’t hold my breath, but I do feel confident someone will make a stab.  Well, not in London, because, you see, they banned knives.

Here is the link to the article about the robots.
