Episode 103 Bradley Thomas-What is Austrian Economics?

If the country is sick, Austrian economics is the treatment

Austrian Economics fits, as Dr. House would say.  The economy starts with each person making decisions about what to buy, nor not to buy. Oh, it can bet complicated, but that’s for later. This episode is to lay a foundation that individuals, humans, and their actions, set the course of how the economy functions.

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Erase the State

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Article cited

“The Unseen Consequences of the Coronavirus Response”

Books mentioned

Hazlet’s Economics in One Lesson  Book from Amazon  Free PDF from Fee.org

Rothbard’s Man, Economy, and State  Kindle from Amazon  From Mises.org

Mises’ Human Action  Book from Amazon   From Mises.org

Bradley’s book, Tweeting Liberty

Bob Murphy’s Lessons For a Young Economist From Mises.org

Mark Thornton’s The Skyscraper Curse From Mises.org

Videos mentioned

Hidden Secrets of Money

Milton Friedman on Phil Donahue


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