Tuttle Twins Black Friday Deal

It is late, snowy, and cold. But there’s turkey.

The Black Friday deal has ended.  Check the website for deal windows for savings.

Thanksgiving proper starts soon.

We’ve had some changes.  Fewer will be here this year than last year so the prep wasn’t so much.

The pumpkin cheesecake is perfect.  I’m really pleased about that.  I’ll help Eleanor learn to roll pie dough.  She made it.

The turkey bathes in the chilly brine.  Dressing is made and so too the sweet potato casserole.  Sauce for green beans is done and the dinner roll dough ferments nice and slow in the cool garage.

All that’s left to do is cook and bake and carve and cut and eat and scream during Cards Against Humanity, the small crowd version.

This year another different thing is the advance of Black Friday sales.

I’ll share some of those with you as the days go on writing you between one or another kitchen task.

But this one today has a short clock.  It ends Friday night and it’s a whopper.  So much of a whopper I bought it.

The Tuttle Twins is a book series created by Conner Boyack to help him teach his kids about important concepts which had no books to reach kids.

Subjects such as money or natural law or the division of labor.  Over the years Conner has written 10 such books which are reworkings of real books.  Money is from The Creature from Jekyll Island, natural law is The Law, and the labor book is I, Pencil.

Each book teaches the key points to kids up to 11, but really, even teens and parents can learn about topics they all probably never read about before.

The Black Friday sale includes PDFs for each book which have printable coloring pages, a maze, decoding a message from each book and writing help for the wee ones.  Also in the bonus is the complete audio version of each book in MP3 format which you can load to your phone and play in the car.

Along with the package of the 10 Tuttle Twins book, the last bonus is Conner’s new book Skip College, a book about alternative ways to education other than the college conveyor belt.

All told the 10 books, Conner’s new book, the PDFs and MP3s are a $237 value on sale for $45.

That’s a crazy price for a lot of content but the deal turns into turkey gravy Friday night.

Here’s the link for the deal.  The PDFs and the MP3 come with links immediately after you pay.  The books will come in the mail but with the audios, you can get a start right away.


Have a fabulous feast.  Enjoy, then grab this deal.

Happy Thanksgiving.
