4 reasons to store wine on its side even if the experts disagree

The best way to store wine

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Proper storing of the wine preserves the flavor notes and allows it to really shine when you finally do open the bottle.

“The cork will never dry out with almost 100 percent humidity in the headspace, so it is a myth that you need to store a bottle on its side,”

Miguel Cabral, Amorim Cork

“Keeping the wine in constant contact with the cork maintains the seal and protects the wine.” Vinepair.com

That’s about as clear as mud.

Do I or don’t I?

The question of wine storage on its side might be the wrong question.

The right question is what is the ideal temperature for wine?

The range is between 40 degrees F and 65 degrees F.

For that, you’ll want a wine cooler.

The fluctuations between summer and winter don’t help wine at all.

The ups and downs of temperature are like the soda-filled kid on the carnival rides. It’s not going to end well.

Proper wine storage keeps the temperature even and that protects your wine.

If the cork doesn’t matter, what does?


That stuff at the bottom of the bottle needs to be removed.

The best way to do that is pour it off by decanting the wine.

You don’t have sediment in your wine bottle?

Most wines don’t have sediment. But, you’ll be happy you didn’t drink it if your wine has it.

Proper wine storage helps manage the sediment so it stays in the bottle.

Storage space

Frankly, bottles stored upright tip over easily.

Seeing the label and getting the bottle from way in back can knock over the bottles in front.

Storing bottles on their sides makes easy reading of all the labels.

Proper wine storage takes up less space and protects your wine.

Temperature control

A wine cooler, basically a fridge, can be set to keep and hold a constant temperature for wine storage.

In general, whites are stored at a cooler temperature than reds. That’s primarily because whites are often served cooler than reds.

Constant temperature prevents possible damage to the flavors that overheating can cause.

Proper wine storage is the key to keeping wine at its best for years.

Its looks cool

Face it, saying you’ll get a bottle from the wine cooler is fun to say.

For extra bonus social points, keep a truffle in the wine cooler. When company comes over, direct them to the bottle of wine next to the truffle.

Your friends might view you in a new light with proper wine storage.

Can we go back to that cork issue?

According to Miguel Cabral, the foremost maker of wine corks, storing the wine on its side may harm the cork.

Since the humidity level in the bottle is nearly 100%, sideways storage doesn’t help.

It is true that wine has been stored for hundreds of years. I’ve had 20 year old wines from sideways stored bottles and the cork was fine.

So was the wine.

For the most part, the wine you and I buy doesn’t need aging. But, it does need to be stored to preserve the wine. No one would buy an expensive cheese and then freeze it.

Proper storing of the wine preserves the flavor notes and allows it to really shine when you finally do open the bottle.

A modern change to wine

Some wine drinkers are looking for organic wines to avoid the sulfites.

Sulfites are a preservative added to wine. Sulfites are an antioxidant and an antibacterial. They work to preserve the wine.

But, there may be a problem.

1 out of every 100 people is sensitive or allergic to sulfites or has a sulfite sensitivity.

Organic wines without sulfites are the only option for them.

Organic wines without sulfites do not age as well as wines with sulfites. So, proper storage is very important.

Okay, I have proper wine storage. Now what?

Labels up for easy reading. Also, store the bottles neck in so you can read the labels.

Refrigerated storage units need only enough air for the cooling fan. In a small closet is probably not the right place. It can be a show piece, so, show it off.

If you have wall units the room temperature storage, keep them in the house, not the garage or in a shed. The drastic changes in temperature from season to season and the highs and lows in summer can put your wine quality at risk.

Proper wine storage also needs the proper place.

I like this idea. How do I learn more about wine?

Joel Zambrano, a level 2 sommolier, spoke with me on this podcast episode about tasting wine.

This link also has wine tasting rating sheets, similar to the kind Joel mentions and uses.

Get you wine collection started with an unfair advantage.  Consult the wine guy at California Wine Club. Buy wines to match your taste preferences so every bottle is what you want.

IWA Design Center - Create Your Dream Custom Wine Cellar


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